Femdom Blog

wonder woman

So my email is overwhelming me with nice folks concerned about what the results of the biopsy were.  I’m ever so pleased to say that although I do have an abnormal cell cluster in my stomach the chances of it becoming cancerous are very small and furthermore, the doctor said with simple treatment the body should be able to get rid of it inside of a year and a half.

Upon hearing the news I felt numb , well actually I felt numb the entire day right up until I saw the doctor in her office , but after weeks of expecting the absolute worst sort of news my body took the happy result in stride.  That is until I got home , sat down on the sofa and had a very emotional relief cry.   The numbness faded away and instantly I was overcome with such relief that I needed to sprint to the toilet where upon I unleashed the biggest shit of my entire life.

Like within 30 seconds I dropped 5kg in weight , that’s how constipated I had made myself worrying over this whole thing.  An entire week’s worth of refuse dumped in one tremendous burst took two flushes to get rid of.

I suddenly felt great.  My appetite came back within an instant and what better food than cheese popcorn and a huge Diet Coke to celebrate with as I went back to my old haunt for the afternoon and watched the movie Wonder Woman like it was the first movie I’d seen in a millenium.

Life is such a gift , I’ve known that all along but now I have an even greater appreciation for every day I get to see the sun rise for with it brings opportunity.  I’ll resume doing sessions beginning today , see you all very soon and thank you so much for the kind support over the past three weeks, it meant a great deal to me.


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