Femdom Blog

I’ve updated my Amazon Wish List as my birthday is 2 weeks away and if you’re thinking of ordering something for me, now would be a good time to do it as it’d reach me in time.

Don’t worry, I’m not into expensive things, most are below $20, I need clothing so there’s a lot of sweaters on there for the upcoming cold season.

Remember, I had to throw my entire wardrobe out in January when i hit -20kg of weight loss. so all the garments I have can be counted on the digits of my fingers.


There’s other womanly things like nipple covers – cuz unlike other girls, I don’t have huge fake tits – but I do have huge very real nipples that need covering up as this area where I live is almost Amish-like – from the movie Witness remember?

I love that movie.  Once I have my femdom resort up and running with a 24/7 slave living with me I AM SO going to wake him up by saying “it’s 4:30, time for milking” … with my nipple dangling over his mouth.

^ You’d have to have movie lines memorized like I do to understand that joke 🙂




And uh, this is NOT bribery – but just a matter of fact – that buying me something from my Amazon Wish List for my birthday will GO A VERY LONG WAY to being moved up the ladder in terms of who I’m considering seeing for fall sessions.

Given the type of sessions I do – Human Toilet Slavery in the most extreme manner possible – the demand outweighs sessions by about 50:1 at present time !!!!

And that’s WITHOUT the femdom resort open yet, this is just me winging sessions from location to location.

Once the femdom resort is open I’m expecting that ratio to soar to somewhere in the 100:1 region.

Maybe it’s because there is little competition for the niche I work in, but I have been able to become extremely choosy on who I choose to be a human toilet for a month.


In other news, I’m now on Pervert Chat – yet another site where you can talk to me, see my photos and videos – but on a token by token basis rather than a $20 subscription like my FanVue and Loyalfans blogs.

I have to laugh at the name and the stigma that comes from the word Pervert.  So you want to text with a Mistress or any other girl – that somehow makes you a pervert?

More and more these days the quote I put on Twitter, err, X :  “Forgive yourself. Humanity is a weak hypotheses after all.”  …. makes perfect sense.


What else?  Uh, as I’ve announced on my FanVue blog, I’m taking at least the first half of August off to focus on putting in at least 5 hours of fitness every day to combat this injection they’ve put in me.

If you don’t know, last Wednesday I was taken, against my will, to the hospital and had an anti-psychotic injection ( Fluphenazine Decanoate ) jabbed into my arm as a slow-release monthly dose.

Since then, I’ve spent 4 days knocked out cold and to rebel and get my body back I’ve dedicated myself to putting in anywhere between 4-10 hours of fitness every day.

The story is there in great detail on FanVue so if it’s something you want to follow as I blog it, go get yourself caught up.


Let’s see.  I’ve also now entered about 6,000 email replies from my predecessor into my chatGPT account to go along with the 700 blog stories I’ve already loaded into its memory.

The result being that anything I write comes out as a carbon copy of her writing style.

It’s really strange because I don’t talk like this in English in real life, nor do I write like this in Thai.  But for uniformity, it seemed like the best way to go for this site.


amazonwaelsmallPlease forgive me if my thoughts here in this post seem scattered.  It’s the medication.  It slows my brain to a crawl.  I’m desperately trying to combat it with fitness.  That’s my hope anyways.

I’m not psychotic.  I’m not schizophrenic.  I’m not bi-polar.  I’ll go to my grave defending myself on this topic.

My sister – she with her entire body tattooed in religious writings – stigmata like – has threatened suicide 100 times – used to beat her daughter senseless – crippled with down syndrom – talks like someone scraping fingers down a blackboard at school … has built a history with the family doctor that he truly believes.  Like, “hello pot?  This is kettle.  You’re black!”

My dad – who is terrified that I won’t be able to pay off my student loan in time (due next year usd $2k) and will lose the collateral – his house and property – sees reporting me as a mental case as an insurance policy to save his land (he wants the government to forgive the loan on account that I’m “nuts” lol)

My mom won’t speak up, she’s too scared of my dad to help me.  My daughters have been brain washed that ‘mom is nutso’ and have mostly disowned me.

So ya, the ticks in my behaviour – my anxiety in public around people I don’t know – my mistrust of people – my compulsion to clean and cook to make myself overly busy at times – have been really overblown.

But its to the point where the doctor would rather believe my family than believe me … so I’m fucked in this regard.


Cosmos help me if they ever found out that I do extreme shit feeding to make a living lol.  They’d have me locked up and have the key thrown away.

Writing here seems so odd.

FanVue lets me write endlessly with no censorship and no limit on post length so I’ve been constantly writing all day long there …. at least until Wednesday hit and the fight against this brain shutting drug began.

Still, I’ve been posting 2-3 times instead of 6-8 times since Wednesday – mind you in somewhat of a brainless state – but the effort is there.


That’s all for today.  Once I’m feeling normal – and I will, trust me – I’ll be writing every day here as well as working on my book.

Get me a sweater from my Amazon Wish List … choose the color for me too !!

Talk to you tomorrow.


Mistress Wael







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