Femdom Blog


I’m officially the #1 Thailand Mistress now if judging by website popularity as this website which was started by the original Jaa 6 years ago jumped up 804,443 places in world website rankings to break the top 1 million and sit as the most popularly visited Thailand Mistress website in Asia as we rest at 940,937 in the world now.  I’ve done it by following these two principles, the first of which is;


It’s not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know.
Tony Robbins


I know how to seduce better than any Thailand  Mistress and I’ll bet i’m within the top 10 of World Mistress’s on the topic of seduction and mental bdsm play.  My girlfriend, well ‘she’ is a ‘he’, but he’s gayer than a tap dancing hyena ; s/he takes care of the photos that you have saved on your computer … admit it, you do.  Andrew, my creative writing teacher verbally insults me about my grammar and then corrects everything so I don’t make an ass of myself in my stories.  It’s a good team, each of us doing what we know how to do best.

Those who know me not as a Thailand Mistress but know me outside my Thailand Mistress life would tell you that I bitch about two things, and two things only.  I live by this mantra …


Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Tony Robbins


success… which makes my life unbelievably busy.  I complain about it ad nauseam but I wouldn’t be who I am if I wasn’t always trying to “get something accomplished” and here’s my list of things I needed to accomplish the first day this website was passed over to me on December 13th, 2014 :

  1. Get the website back to how popular it was when I started with Bangkok’s original Tease & Denial Mistress –  Jaa in 2012.
  2. Start a Twitter account, make it about my personality instead of self-promotion (which is what I hate about Twitter) and get to 1,000 followers by December 13th, 2015.
  3. Hit 100 session inquiries a month, which is what I figure is what the other top Thailand Mistress … Midori must have.

Look, I’ve had a hell of a month.  It started with a breast cancer scare, was filled with frustrating all day waits at lo-so clinics before @ObediantOne on Twitter rescued me and a private clinic confirmed the lumps were just cysts.  I had an operation for one of them right away, and have spent the rest of the month condo shopping.  So your sweet Thailand Mistress is taking a break for 3 days as sort of a mid-year vacation.  Before that starts today though, let’s take a look at what this Thailand Mistress has done right , and what needs to be done still starting with the website.


Thailand Mistress Pasaya #1 in Asia

May 23, 2011 was the day that Thailand Mistress Jaa moved from her 2 year old Google Blogspot website to this Thailand Mistress domain jaa4u.com and you can see from the vertical purple line where I started that it’s been a long 6 month climb to get back to the average daily visits that Thailand Mistress Jaa had for many years before.  I started with her around December of 2013 so I’ve seen and experienced the whole peak to valley and back to peak cycle of turbulence brought on by both her desire to retire and the amount of time it honestly takes to have the experience to fully be a Thailand Mistress.

That climb has moved me up almost a million places in rankings, well past all other Thailand Mistress contenders which is to be expected given that I have the only dynamic website of them all with new content every week in blog stories, photos, and videos.

Thailand Mistress Pasaya #1 in Asia


It’s not all as perfect as I would like though as I’m in the middle of the Google ranking on the first page if you search for Thailand Mistress , or Thailand Mistress Bangkok with others like Mistress Lorita placing above me on search even though she only just broke through the 5 millionth highest website.  Whatever you’re doing chick, share the love,  cuz you’re doing something right with SEO and I can’t figure out what it is.  I think if I had the name Thailand Mistress or Thailand Mistress Bangkok in my website name it would help but I really don’t know.  We’re good at content my sissy friend and I, but not so good at SEO stuff.  I’m sure one of you guys must be an SEO wizard and would like to be part of Thailand Mistress team jaa4u for the next 6 months as we move toward my next goal which is to reach 500,000 by January 1st, 2016.

As much fun as the website stuff has been, I have to say that we have had the most fun with my Twitter feed.  I choose to write about the sessions that are remarkable in some way and instead of just being silent waiting for the next amazing guy to show up for a session I enjoy trying to get out my personality and what’s on my mind through Twitter.  Maybe i’m too far out there for most to understand , some tweets that I think are funny just go right over people’s heads I think ..


At least some of my 426 followers find that funny, I wish more would haha.  I’m gonna keep trying to be me so if you are one of those guys who reads my blog over and over trying to get who I am follow my Twitter , if you read between the lines a bit you’ll really understand what’s on my mind day in and day out.  It’s hard trying to learn your style of humor when the only thing that passes for that here come with sound effects telling you exactly when you should laugh.  Maybe once I pass 1000 followers which is my goal by New Year you’ll either had adjusted to my humor or i will have gotten better.   Until then I’ll keep saving my Twitter with sexy ass tweets …



inspirationOf all the Thailand Mistress , World Mistress , and maybe even Universal Mistress’s I bet I have the most Ass Worship session requests.  I used to think often about which Thailand Mistress has the most session requests and I set my goal of having 100 based on that desire to have the most.  Now that I’ve passed that goal I see why the other most popular Thailand Mistress has a stable of girls because it’s just not possible to handle all requests.  Yet, my business model is different than most, I don’t desire to be the Fast Food factory of bdsm sessions.

I have Mistress Wael to fill two needs, the older clients who feel it’s easier to relate to a 37 year old girl more than a 28 year old girl, and those who just want what I can’t do very well and that is to give a world class massage with Tease & Denial.  More than that though, she is an angel, she even refers to herself as one haha.  I agree, she’s a real diamond in the rough, people who see her agree too.


I’m looking for another very high quality Thailand Mistress but don’t hold your breath.  She needs to be university educated, sexy, hot, intelligent, probably been abroad, fluent in English, and can think for herself.  Trying to find a girlfriend here with that last quality here is as rare as an ice cube in the Sahara.  Trying to find one who fits all 7 is as rare as a tasty school lunch 😛

Passing that last goal of 100 session requests a month has allowed me to really be picky about who I see too.  Since I can’t clone myself, and I can only do 2 sessions a day it doesn’t take a math genius to figure out I can do at most 50 sessions a month taking 5 days off as a break.  So last month I got 120 requests, I can’t really throw 70 out the door as some don’t follow through no matter how much I email them, but i can throw 20-30 out.  Thus, any guy who remotely tries to challenge me , gets a nice personal go fuck yourself reply.



Jaa was a great Thailand Mistress , but guess what, I’m a great Thailand Mistress as well.  Choose your words carefully in your first email, you have to beat 69 other guys to stay out of the trash can.

So what are my goals going ahead?

  1. 1000 Twitter followers by January 1st making me the most popular Thailand Mistress on Twitter.
  2. This website in the top 500,000 websites in the world, putting as much distance between me and the #2 Thailand Mistress website.  My plan to do that?  Well two things are coming…
  3. My first Amazon Kindle book is about the top 20 sessions I’ve had in the last 2 years, coming soon.
  4. Video clip store both generic and custom made within a month, now that @ObediantOne has sent me best video camera 🙂  You’re amazing.


Ok, that’s it, i’m off for 3 days, Sunday to Tuesday.  It’s been a really fun 6 months, really looking forward to the next 1/2 year.

jaa2 xx

[formcrafts id=’10805′ name=’Book A Session’ align=’left’][/formcrafts]




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One Response to Climbing From Darkness | 6 Month Review

  • Mike

    Hi Mistress ,Your business is growing as you had planned with more exciting things coming in the near future to make it grow even more. I wish you all the best that life can bring you. You deserve it.