Femdom Blog

Tease & Denial | Butterflies

Why do I do this? Going on 8 years as a Mistress now , why am I still in the game?  One word answer: butterflies.

I love making men feel alive again, like they did when they were a teenager out on a first date … heart pounding, unsure of what to say or do , not knowing how touching will be construed , but feeling ever so alive inside.

What I do – seduction – I choose to do these sessions with you in the sexiest way imaginable because that gives you butterflies.




Below the surface there is another reason too. I use absolute seduction to control and manipulate you. Because if you realize that you need me in your life … that’s what will keep you loyal.

Fear basically, right?   It’s a tough principle but fear keeps people loyal.   Nobody fears a lashing days after a session , but fear of losing me?
And if you’re afraid you have something to lose , you’ll do what I tell you to do.

That’s straight out of The Godfather. It’s true.




You see, in the end it doesn’t matter if you’re smarter than me, or stronger , or richer … just that, – you obey.

So the more butterflies I give you , the more you belong to me … without you even knowing it.

Mistress  Jaa


Book A Session

Looking to book a session?  You can either email us :

Mistress Jaa[email protected]

Mistress Wael : [email protected]

Or fill out the form below.  Don’t forget to check out my Loyalfans femdom blog , or Mistress Wael’s Loyalfans blog its a great way to get to know more about us through our photos , videos and daily stories.


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