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Being a mistress is just something that I am , it’s not something I act out.  Consider this email and my reply :


Dear Mistress,

I understand your Vampire rhytm. No Problem!

What do you think about putting the Session on the 21. October 7 pm? I think that would be perfect, because it is not the day of Arrival… Maybe I am a liitle bit tired on 20th of October because of the long travel from Berlin to BKK. So 21. October 7 pm would be perfect, if it is possible for you?

I have booked the Aloft from 20.10 to 22.10. so I be close to you…

From the Point we meet personal, are you direct act as a Mistress? So we make the preliminary talk via email?

Looking forward to meet you in BKK!

Kind regards



Being a Mistress is not something I act out.  I’m not the type of mistress that wears black and red rubber everywhere I go to put on a show for others.  It is just my personality.  It is my personality to be kind and sweet as other girls.  But I am demanding.  I am dominant.  And that is something you will feel when we meet.

Last night I met a guy on the street who recognized me.  But I had never met him.  I was just walking on my soi and he said from behind me “excuse me miss , are you the mistress from this website” and he had my website open on his phone.  I had emailed him back in January from a request submission he made.  When I reply I send my professional portfolio and from that he recognized me.

That is the first time it ever happened to me.  I was with original Jaa once when it happened to her but for me first time.

So he wanted to walk with me.  Ok fine.  I gave him the water I had bought from Villa market , and the groceries , and we walked back toward my condo.  He struggled to keep up carrying all that because I walk very very fast.  We talked for about 2 minutes until he fell behind me a bit and then he just tried to keep up all the way to my condo.

When we got to my lobby he asked me the same thing you just did in your email.  He asked me if I always act like a Mistress as I just did with him.

Yes.  That’s who I am.  That’s how I walk.  That’s how I act.  I take control of situations and I take control of men.  Naturally.

I look forward to meeting you too.  My condo is very nice but you will not find any black and red dungeon here.  You will just fine me … and that is already more than most men can handle.





“Wow” the guy said.  The one who walked me home.

“Wow what?” I replied.

“You’re perfect.  You’re stunning.  You’re nice.  You’re dominant.  You’re everything.  What does it take to be the man in your life?”

“More than you can possibly imagine, or hope to be” I said as I smiled and left him there wondering.

In fact.  I have been asked that question a lot this week.  Why am I still single?

It has nothing to do with me.  It has everything to do with you … and the standards I hold you to.   That’s gonna be my next story.



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