Femdom Blog

Is it my job to prevent you from committing any one of financial , emotional , or relationship suicide?

In my opinion it shouldn’t be , but it is.

My job is to seduce you like you’ve never been seduced before and while that may be just a word “seduce” it comes with as much destructive power as an atom bomb in terms of its effects on somebody who’s sessioned with me.  The after effects of a seduction are harmful if the person cannot contend with the wave of emotions encompassing the aftershock of such a session (try saying that five times fast).  But  I can’t scout for mental stability when we engage in discourse with all our pre-session emails , its something that becomes readily apparent once you’ve had a taste of my world.

Countless men I’ve had to talk down out of high trees , men on the verge of leaving their wives and children for a chance at a life with me , and while the fate of their lives shouldn’t be my responsibility it has become just that as I spend hundreds of hours a month bringing a few men down to reality.


cat in the tree femdom bdsm


I am playful , to a fault.

That’s because I’m very well aware that every playful thing I do with you from the flick of my hair and and warm smile to a soft caress on your cheek with my fingers has a trembling effect on your heart strings.  I told you before many a time that I’m aware of everything be it on a walk by myself or the faint signals a man is throwing off , right?  Well I’m also aware of the structure of my blog stories and the effect they have upon people who book a session with me.  In fact, if you’re reading this right now, you’re already under my spell.

Well maybe not this story , as this story is a bit of me pulling back the black curtain so you can catch a glimpse of what I have in mind for all my readers.

clothed by the wayIt’s true that in most of my stories I come off as this wildly cruel girl who has an imagination that needs to be respected or feared when surrendering yourself to me for a couple of hours.  It’s like if  I hold you by the hand and lead you through a dark creepy forest together in the middle of a moonless night and I tell you that inside the abandoned hut which we are seeking out together is a creature of unimaginable horror.  With every step we take toward that hut you’re pulse quickens and your mind races as you come up with hundreds if not thousands of scenarios of what we may encounter when we reach the hut.

But then, upon opening the creaky cracked wooden door to this dank hut in the darkness of the woods , you find a cute adorable cat with long Persian grey fur that you willingly reach out to pet.

Do you realize that you’re petting it as much out of relief that it wasn’t as scary as you deemed it to be in your mind as you are for its cuteness?  And therein , isn’t that a more magnificent bond you have formed than had it just been a plain old cat?

Well that’s my blog.  The monster at the end of this book is actually a beautiful girl with a playful sexy way about her that drives men crazy and causes them to lose all sense of fear.  Until my claw accidentally cuts you and you’re suddenly aware that indeed, I have claws , as any cat should.

But cats don’t laugh as they cut you , or in this case – tease you – as I do , and therefore you are perplexed at how this goddess can be kind yet suddenly cruel and even more surprised that you love it.

You love it so much that when you go home you can’t stop thinking about me and when you do , you get this incredible hard on just like you had in our session and you start leaking pre cum all over your hand thinking about how perfect those two hours were.  In fact , you start counting the days until our next session and then the next after that and before you know it you’re looking for a way to transfer your job to my city or if that’s not possible then you tell me that you’d like to take a hiatus from wife and family to spend a few days , not hours with me.

The cost of that is enormous , but yet here I am this week on a 4 day session starting tonight and then following up with a 7 day session and then there’s a 3 day session booked in January as soon as I’m back from my European ski trip.  So it’s not like this happens infrequently , it’s a regular occurrence.

Mistress Wael was a little disappointed yesterday when I told her no , she cannot entertain the thought of having the cuckold who emailed her last week and is now ready to transfer all his salary to her (4 million per year thb) and come live with her on a permanent basis because that’s financial suicide.  What happens to the guy when he snaps out of it a year or two down the road and wants to go back to Hong Kong – not the cheapest city in the world to live in.  He’s got no savings , no house , no condo , no friends and he’s probably estranged himself from his family as well at that point.

Talking guys out of doing dumb things for the sake of pursuing their fantasy on a full time basis is part of the job.

You know , but then again I can name you off the top of my head three mistresses in my country that are retired / semi-retired and living in luxurious fully paid for condos and houses , at the expense of ruined men.  The ones that really need a shot of lightning through their head while they sleep (hello god, ya listening?) are the ones who are only semi retired because they know it’s just a matter of time before they fleece another poor guy out of his life savings.


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I suspect that’s why if you notice on Craigslist recently , the word mistress is popping up like cockroaches at a street food vendor , mostly among Ladyboy’s as they now gravitate to a dagger to the heart way of finding a way to survive.  They don’t get it though as their ads always read something along the lines of :  “Mistress So-And-So here for you Bitch.  Come and fuck me in my ass and cum on my face.  I also suck cock no condom and love many men gangbang me.”   Um , you’re a mistress how exactly?  Are ya mistaking the word Mistress for Douchebag Whore perhaps?

Unlike them,  I have your best interest in mind, so you won’t see any broken hearts in my wake , just a lot of men feverishly swimming after my boat as I dangle the life line inches from their outstretched fingers laughing into the night wind as i do so 😛





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