Femdom Blog


TIme to put aside all the things I’ve accomplished this past year and tip my hat (if I wore hats, which I don’t) to Mistress Wael who stated to me on New Years day that her resolution was to lose 10kg by her birthday on August 15th and weigh in at 55kg.

Mission Accomplished !!

There’s a hell of a lot of running involved when one drops 10kg in 8 months.  Every morning as the sun peaks it’s head over the horizon I lay down to drift off to sleep , and at the same time Wael catches the 6am skytrain to go running in the park without missing a single day.  That folks is what they call dedication and commitment.

Perhaps though her greatest achievement has been to peel off yet another layer of what’s socially accepted here – and fully change her eating habits.  She simply doesn’t eat rice any more , or pasta, or breads – anything that gives cheap empty calories.  That’s a very hard thing to do and not be laughed at by her friends for one must consider that rice is so ingrained into our life that we greet one another here by saying :  Kin Khow Yang?  (have you eaten rice yet?)

That’s basically our hello to one another.  Your equivalent would be “Hey, What’s Up?” as you pass one another at school or see somebody you know at the water cooler at work.

The most common question she’s asked every day is “well what the hell do you eat?” and the answer to that is the often overlooked but single most amazing thing about my country .. the fruit !!

I’ve now been to 15 countries in the world , not bad for a girl born into poverty from a rural village eh?  While I have seen a great many things , I’ve yet to see a country with as much diversity in their fruit as my home.


hot sexy girl mistress bed pose


The results of her healthy fruit and vegetable diet have been extraordinary.  While she may indeed be turning 38yo today , she’s managed to honestly knock 10 years off her age managing to look 10 times hotter than she did back in her University days.

For her birthday present I intended to book our bdsm photographer , the same one who did the amazing photos in my gallery that I send to people privately … but he’s reached such fame nowadays that he’s booked solid through to September.   Which I guess isn’t such a bad thing as she’ll be down to 53kg by the time next month rolls around , there will be no limit to how sexy of a photoshoot he can do for her by then.

Which leaves me in a rush this morning as I have yet to actually buy her something.  You should too , those of you who have felt her magic hands – send an Amazon Gift Card to Wael’s Wish List to make her smile.

Happy Birthday Wael.




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[formcrafts id=’20566′ name=’Session With Wael’ align=’left’][/formcrafts]


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