Femdom Blog

In my last blog story, in referring to Donald Trump running for president, I said “if he’s doing what I hope he’s doing, I’d vote for him because it’s brilliant.”  Since I’ve said that I’ve had a landslide of emails and sms bugging me to elaborate on what I meant by that.

Ok, truth be told, 5 of you asked, but I ask … does not 5 rocks falling down a mountain technically qualify as a landslide?  I say it does, and besides I needed justification to write more about it and tell you how it relates to my sessions.  Deep intellectual shit coming, go get some broccoli and munch on it for brain power, you’ll need it if you’re going to try to understand my mind.

Marshall McLuhan introduced the most prophetic sentence ever when he said “the medium is the message” some 50 years ago and I wonder if he could have imagined how wildly out of control the reality of that message would become.  In my words, or how I interpret it : is that something as grand as a presidential election in the most powerful country in the world – is wholly insignificant compared to the power of the medium through which the rhetoric is distributed.

“I’m going to build a great great wall and make Mexico pay for it”


“When the president of Mexico called me to complain I told him … The wall just got 1o feet higher.”

Even more brilliant.


Someone who understands Marshall McLuhan’s medium message speaks like this, and for that reason Donald Trump is brilliant.

You see, this is the age of podcasts , YouTube streams and Facebook groups.  That is how information gets shared by pretty much nearly all of us nowadays.  Whatever your content is, there are platforms that let you talk about what it is you’re sharing, and none of them are constricted by time.  Hell, if I wanted to start a femdom podcast I could do so tomorrow, I could make it a 5 hour podcast and release one every day and you know what?

Over time, you’d be able to correctly conclude whether I’m truly brilliant, or incredibly naive and stupid.

It’s not the politics that interest me so much , rather – it’s the process of debate that is trapped in a time capsule from the 80’s and has shockingly failed to evolve.

medium_is_the_message_by_binda23First of all , countries – especially ones as big as the USA – still hold on to the strange idea that one special man – or woman – has such an incredible knowledge base that by that measure people deem him or her worthy to represent the population of a country.  This, in a time where collective information gathering is how things are done.  TED talks for example, the point is that the world progresses the most when groups of people share information.  Why?  Because the medium is the message , information can be shared instantaneously.  Yet countries , for now , still hold on to the “one wise man” theory of how to run things.  … it keeps rich people’s money safe if they can control one person.

Secondly, the forum upon which these chosen “incredibly wise men” get to speak and let us judge them is not a 4 hour podcast.  Not a YouTube stream or a TED talk of an afternoon of Q and A , because that would quite quickly put an end to the “incredibly wise man” theory if they were allowed to speak for any great length of time.

Instead the USA chooses staged debates where the greatest of the wise men stand on a stage and are given 2 minutes to talk per question asked.  Somehow, an idea which was alright for the 70’s and 80’s hasn’t changed.

But hey, this is what I was saying before about Donald in that “I hope he’s doing what I think he’s doing” which is … he’s taking these old rules to play by , and making it work to his great great advantage.  It shows me that he is so far ahead of the curve that he can make a mockery of the whole system – and win in the process.  Brilliant.

He knows with each outrageous thing he says that within a single hour , it’ll be talked about and discussed on an infinite number of YouTube channels, Facebook shares , and so on.  How smart is that?  Well, though my Facebook is a good mix of foreigners and Thai friends , and the things I see when I open my Facebook are mostly written in Thai – the fact is that over the past 3 months I’ve seen Donald Trump clips shared by Thai’s many many many times.  Even my friends from the village, getting by with their grade 6 education , all know who Donald is.

I’ve seen not a single thing about Hillary Clinton on Facebook.

Humor me for a second ok.  If for whatever reason, you gave us Thai’s a chance to vote for the next American president , I’d say with tremendous confidence that Donald Trump would get 99% of all the registered votes.

The things he says that gets him shared are a means to an end.  He wants people to know him, and he’s using the modern day medium to do so.

Look at his competition.

Americans, like us, are restricted by only having 2 parties one can seriously vote for without feeling a vote was wasted.

He’s up against 2 religious fanatics , someone from the Bush family , and a chick who’s so been so deep in politics for so long that nobody trusts her.  That’s an important point because I feel what’s going on in the current meta of popular belief is that deep down there is a collective distrust of anything political.  People realize that the system is broken, flawed, and corrupt.  I’m sure Hillary hasn’t got a chance of winning because of that.



Donald realizes that he represents everything that is contrary to the political system.  He’s the face of change.  We live in an age where , through social sharing , someone who says things as ludicrous as him will in all likely hood get the majority of the votes.

Now here’s my broccoli thought for the day.

What I think Donald is doing, or should I say what I hope he is doing is that he’s so very far ahead of the curve that he’s eventually going to do one of two things when he wins.  Again, this is based on my thinking that he has analyzed the system , seen how antiquated it is , found a way to work that to his advantage , and will be given the title of “the wisest man in America” by becoming President.

If that’s so then …

He will either A) Brilliantly at the last possible moment step down from running as President and say that he did the whole thing to show anyone can win, and walk away with his popularity spread worldwide.

Or, here’s what I really hope he is thinking of doing.

B)  He’s going to take office and bring in a team of business people that he’s worked with and can get shit done differently than has ever been done before.  Geez, if he did that , he could point a finger at every political process in the world and point out how silly it is while bringing about a chance for change.

Of course then he’d get shot.   So ya, there’s that.

the_most_human_thing_about_us_by_romantist_egoistAnyways, that’s what I was getting at when I said I have hope for what he’s doing.  I’m fascinated by the change that is slowly happening with social media , and just as global warming is going to take time to melt Greenland , the new media is going to erode old processes of human interaction into obscurity … eventually.  If I can live to be 200 years old I might be around to see it evolve , but it’s hard to make money doing bdsm sessions at 100 years old , let alone 200.

Ah, so how does all which I just wrote about relate to femdom , bdsm , and my Tease & Denial sessions?

Well, I like thinking ahead of the curve as well.  Or thinking outside the box , or just plain being different than everybody else.  I feel lost living here because not a day goes past where I don’t take a step back , point a finger in my mind at something I see , and marvel at either how evolved something has become or how antiquated some processes are that I see every day.

For example, today … well truthfully last month because I’m continuing writing this story presently even though I began it a fortnight ago … I was at my favorite Thai restaurant on Soi 11 just down the street from my condo , sitting at the last table by the window eating by myself when I saw a foreigner enter with a bouncy giggly Thai girl clinging to his arm , the type that can’t wait to have foreigner dick inside them.

I’m looking at this dude as he sits down and he looks over at me and smiles – but my eyes are lost looking at his face trying to remember from where do I recall his face.  I know him , truly I know him , but I couldn’t for the life of me remember from where.  Definitely not a submissive dude that I’ve seen , I came to that conclusion after a minute or so.  So from where?

Then it hit me.

I opened Facebook on my phone , and went to one of the closed groups I’m in, which though I don’t want to reveal the groups name in public, it more or less could be called “Foreigners I’ve fucked, Closed Thai Girl Group”

Know this.  If you’ve fucked a girl here , it’s very possible she’s snapped a photo of you in all your cuteness and has shared it on this group.  If you’ve fucked a girl over here , there’s another group for that as well.  Interestingly, the ‘Farangs I’ve fucked” group has 2 million members while the “Beware this Asshole Farang” group has 7 million” .  Heh, girls get pissed , go figure.

Hey, I’ve never posted in any of these groups, I’m just there to browse and see if anybody I know shares something , which ya , happens often.  Remember , the medium is the message , everything gets shared nowadays.


(my ass is the hottest, realize it, then share it. Because the medium is the message.)

Then , yesterday , I’m running in the park beside Emporium and just when I finished and began to walk back to my soi a police truck stops at the red light I’m at , and in the back like cattle are about 50 foreigners locked in a cage with fear in their eyes.  One blonde hair girl was crying with her face against the steel and I only had a second so I asked her who I could call for her.  She asked me to call her mom in London and I quickly entered the number she gave me.  Just before the truck pulled away I asked her why she was in trouble , and she replied “we were all eating in a restaurant.”

That night I looked on my Facebook for any news of a mass arrest for eating without a passport , nothing.  That is also very interesting because it shows there is an awareness of what to share safely and what not to share.  Anyone who thinks this place is still alive with democracy and free speech only need to look at the silence of Facebook to show how the seeds of communism have been stealth planted.

I’m a Facebook professional , this stuff about what gets shared and what doesn’t fascinates me to no end.  Get this , I’m an accepted Facebook friend under a fake name and photo of every boyfriend I’ve ever had.  I have over 5 Facebook accounts with a history behind each name and a different friends list for each.  I’m completely undetectable , yet real and hot enough under many aliases to know the whereabouts of each guy I’ve dated.  Comes in real handy when an ex becomes a creepy stalker.

Still, how does all that apply to femdom?

Well, I’m different than all other girls that you’ll ever meet in Thailand.  All the guys who come to see me realize that right away when meeting me.  Thing is , it’s one of those qualities that’s very alluring at first , but rubs guys the wrong way when they’re trying to spin their bullshit on me.  Be it dating, come on lines , emails, sms messages , their past history , … it gets thrown back in their face and quite frankly , it offends them when I do so.

However for a 2 hour session , it’s as real as it gets.  My personality is made to be married to a profession like this , where guys are looking for a 2 hour reprieve from the bullshit that surrounds their work, their marriage , their relationships … and they just want some frankness in their lives while being told what to do.

Just as I’m hoping that Donald Trump represents someone smarter and further ahead on the curve than anyone else , I feel strongly that with regards to Femdom , I’m thinking so much further ahead than any other mistress who is attempting to make it in this profession.

Nobody can play with a man’s mind as easily as I can.  Time after time, testimonial after testimonial , I hear back from guys that I was the girl they’ve been looking for all their lives and that they wish they had met me sooner.   As much as I’ve tried to keep my face and my name off of social sharing, my popularity causes never ending problems for me to keep my anonymity.  It’s the greatest lesson that I’ve learned in the past two years , that no sexy photos, no sexy videos , no pussy shots, or ass shots are needed to become incredibly popular at what I do.

I write about it.  People come to see me, and the truth of how sexy I am , how intelligent I am , and how sweet I am gets shared for me.

The medium is the message , and the rope to tie you just got 10 feet longer !


khaleesa xx


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