Femdom Blog


y knee touched his, as soft and silent as memory.  An accidental touch maybe?  After all, I was only leaning over him looking at some photos I had let him take of me with his digital camera to begin our session

“Oh I like that one I said”, gesturing to the small photo on his camera screen, “show me the others” I urged him and as he began to flip through the others my hand rested just on the back of his left shoulder that I was peering over.  Feigning interest in the images I bent over so we were cheek to cheek allowing the sharp scent of my Fame perfume to linger up to his nose.  Yes, his face was iron, his eyes steel, but the bead of moisture sliding down his forehead in an otherwise cold air conditioned room told me his defenses were breaking.  I’ve told you in other blog stories that I am very aware of micro things others would not notice such as moisture on the forehead like he had, and that to some extent is what the purpose of this story is.  Anyways, to confirm the weakening of his armor I moved my knee but an inch from his and like a magnet he readjusted to once again regain the touch he had a minute ago.

“Stop that” I said as I laughed and then pulled the back of his hair lightly as a mild joking form of punishment.

“Stop what” he replied as innocently as a doe grazing in the woods.

“What has you more bothered, my hand on your shoulder, the scent of my neck, or my knee rubbing against yours?” I asked.

stuck in boobsIt wasn’t more than twenty minutes ago that he had tipped his hand that there was something about me that made him lustful, as soon as I had met him in the cafe he chose to not walk beside me to the lift but rather he chose to trail behind me.  No doubt so that he could take in the view of my waist long hair swaying in tandem with my shifting ass just beneath as I walked.  I chose not to call him on that but took note of it, however this time I wasn’t about to let the fish off the hook.


“Neither … I didn’t ”

“Didn’t what?  You’re honestly going to jeopardize the rest of your session with a lie so early, knowing that I have already caught you?  It’d be better to admit the truth and take the consequences.”

He put the camera on the desk beside my computer and combed both sides of his hair back with his hands as if he were trying to remove the guilt from his face and store it in his hair behind his ears somehow.

“Your smell, it’s hypnotic.”

“Really?” I said in my sweet innocent voice.  “Why what does it do to you?”

“It makes me aware of how close you are to me” barely barking out the words, I could feel his confidence seeping out of his skin the way a sponge would leak water.  “More aware than my knee touching you, or my hand on your shoulder?  Were those not nice as well?”

“th..they were, all of them … Mistress” he looked at me with lost puppy dog eyes.  “So when you said stop what, you admit you were in total denial, do we agree?”

No reply, his jaw simply dropped an inch as he stared blankly up at me.  “Look at that, you’re so sorrowful that you choose to just stare at me, did your Mistress give you permission to look into my eyes at all yet?” and his gaze immediately went to my feet.

I took him by his chin as I sat down on the bed behind me and pulled him down to my foot and he followed without a struggle.  As his face hovered over my foot I reached in and brushed the back of my hand against the stiffness in his pants catching a bit of the dampness on his shorts where he was already leaking from within.

Humbled, hard, and humiliated , all within 20 minutes of meeting, if I could do that every time I’d be ready to call myself a mistress of the Jedi council, specializing in Jedi mind manipulation.  I don’t need a  Jedi light saber, a Jedi cloak, or a Jedi laser pistol, I only need a man in my presence and most times I can control him as simple as that.

Most times.

In all honesty, that was a really good session, I picked up on a lot of clues and I took a chance in setting that trap and an even greater chance in calling him on it.  You see, I’m confidant in what I do with men, i’m just not always perfect.  Still, I think I perform at a level far above any other mistress, I can tell by the feedback in my emails and phone sms conversations the following weeks after a session.  I just wish I could do it consistently with everybody I see, but it’s not as easy as that.

stuck in boobs twoThere are four levels one can reach in dealing with a man’s desires, thoughts and emotions, the last of which is the Jedi level that i’m trying to climb to on a regular basis.  But let’s start with the basic way most Mistress’s control their submissive clients, and that is with force.  (not that Force … the other less sci-fi one)   It works because it’s a primal instinct.  Fear works.  It’s fear that controls people truly.  Let’s call a dungeon session what it is though, it’s nothing more than a stage for an an act, attended only by the audience of one’s mind.  It would take a crazy Mistress who has no regard for any promised safe word, to bring you far beyond your pain tolerance and keep you trapped in the furthest reaches of your imagination of horror to truly have this kind of session be memorable.  As none of us want to be arrested for torturing someone, this method of controlling a man has very small limits.

Leading us to the second level, a level where the soon to be Jedi Mistress is sexy enough to be able to evoke a reaction from her submissive man by the things that she does.  It requires that she is aware enough to pick up on his reactions and pursue them to a deeper depth.  Even if the Jedi trainee cannot however, the session has broken some ground into the journey to the depths of the male mind for she has released desire the way one would release a tiger from a cage.  It’s free to roam, free to feast, and it’s a great thing to behold, but ultimately it cannot be controlled by her.

Now I know with almost every guy I see I can instantly get that reaction of desire, the trick is to mask it.  I’ve talked in depth before in other stories about how I like to play the role of the simple, innocent and sometimes naive girl which allows me to take the back seat and study you without having to do much if any talking.  Being different than 99% of the population here in Thailand, there is that wall of uncertainty that exists between you and me as your Mistress, as if you are on a journey without a road map all of a sudden.  Your time and tested methods of how to act with a girl before are thrown out the window, and in it’s place you find yourself stepping very carefully in each action you decide to do.

That works to my advantage, because I know you are turned on by me, but you have no idea at that moment the tiger is free with what to do with that desire.  There are all kinds of things I do to build up that desire, just as I’d say the majority of confident girls know how to do as well.  Unfortunately for them, that’s as far as they are willing to push their confidence, because it’s a safe zone, there is little or no chance of failure at risk.  What I try to do as an aspiring Jedi, and the few other excellent Mistresses in the world try to do, is take that desire and not only harness it, but use it against you, which brings us to levels three and four.

“Our session was like a Jedi Mind Trick on me”

I entered Level three as Mistress Jaa’s Padawan learner 2 years ago, watching and learning from her Jedi skills in every session we worked together.  There’s a lot of failure in this level, and to be true it’s not really a Star Wars level at all, I just write that shit because it’s a guy thing you can relate to.   If I were to accurately name this level, i’d call it “Becoming self-aware.”  Hey, like Skynet in Terminator, or OS in Her, depending on which movie you are attracted to more.  I haven’t found a horror movie that’s into being self aware yet, but if I find one that’s what you’d be watching if you were with me.

Self aware means that nothing happens any more by accident, everything that I do to turn you on is not only purposeful but also planned.  Going back to my session two or actually three days ago now, hey these computer problems have really pushed back how long it’s taken to write this story … anyways … I was self aware when I put my hand on his shoulder, when I leaned close to him to let him smell me, and especially when I touched his knee with mine.

I know that each of those things that I did started a chain reaction of questions in his mind and at that point instead of looking at the photos we had just took together, he was asking himself things like …

“did she touch my leg on purpose?”

“why is her knee still there?”

“does she notice?  If she does, does that mean she likes me?”

“Now she’s touching my shoulder, I should just play cool and not let her know that I notice … fuck her finger just moved a bit towards my ear, keep calm, keep calm.”

“She smells amazing, I want to eat her.  Wait, am I drooling?  Did I just drool on my leg?  If I look down at my leg will she notice?”

“ok dick is hard, it’s fine, I have it trapped between my legs, it won’t show … wait wait she moved her knee away from mine, she’s offended, she knows, god damn my dick, god damn you, you one eyed brainless snake.”


stuck climbing boobs


“I’ll chase her knee, it felt so nice, I need to reacquire touch, stealth mode enabled, cloak of shadows engag….fuck she noticed , fuck why did I put all my points into sex appeal and none into stealth.”

haha … did he actually think all those things?  Probably not, but it would be awesome if he did.  To think all of that though, i have to be a bit conceited in how I imagine your brain being affected by my closeness.  That’s why I say, even though this last session was as close to perfect as it gets, there are a lot of guys it doesn’t work on.  Some guys are turned on by being made or forced to do things for instance, and none of these games going on in my head would be close to true … until the moment i grabbed him by the chin and forced him to his knees … which is exactly why I did that, like buying insurance for myself.

It’s an instinct thing that I have to rely on, and that’s where I’m a bit stubborn.  I rely on my instinct more than most, I depend on it to work for me and I put all my faith in what it tells me.  So it’s really a leap of faith when I’m imagining all these tiny reactions happening in you, but not nearly as much of a leap of faith as what the Jedi level calls for.

Ah the Jedi level, or sometimes as I call it , “Make Jaa  look like an Idiot” level.  For the record, trying to read what a Sissy wants is like Superman trying to look through lead and I have had more than one session where I’m thinking I have his dick as hard as a light saber when actually I have his ass opening and closing excitedly like the Sarlacc monster.  I don’t get Sissy sessions yet, I’m as far away from being a Jedi as Jar Jar is from being popular.

What is the Jedi level then?  It’s that moment where I not only know what is turning you on and what you are thinking about it, but that I call you on it at the exact moment your thoughts are out of control.  That’s what caused the bead of sweat on his head, it’s what made him choke on his words when he tried to retouch his knee with mine.  That Jedi Mistress moment when I’m so far in tune with what’s going on that playing with him becomes so easy, that’s the Jedi level.

jedi sms

This is what makes guys go weeks, sometime even months after their session without being able to get me out of their mind.  It’s what has made countless guys break down and cry uncontrollably (right Dieter?) , it’s what has made guys refuse to come see me again because it’s dangerous to do so (right Richard?) , and it’s what has made guys rethink what it means to be submissive for days on end (right Matt?)

Matt  Jun 27 to me Just a thought. U should do a story on Pavlov’s salivating dogs and a comparison with ur customers. I know I was waiting expectantly for ur next tweet after a couple of days off… For me these feelings usually subside after a few days until a new session begins to get close. Those who see u more regularly must remain in this state constantly!

Again, just so you know that it all levels out, the session immediately before the one I wrote about above, the guy from Singapore just sat on the bed laughing for the whole two hours, and it caused me to break right down to level one as I hit him mercilessly.  I kind of went way way past the sane mistress that is needed for that level and put him into a state of fear.  He was 22, maybe at that age everything is still a joke to him as his baby mind is still learning to understand the world he is in.  Or maybe he’s just the kind of guy who plays with his dick because it gets hard, wipes it on the bed sheet and rolls to the other side of the bed.


I’m not a Jedi Mistress yet.  I fail where a Jedi should succeed.  Maybe some men are totally different.  But then Master Jedi Yoda would say to me …



“No, no different, only different in your mind.”

So I’m learning the Jedi way …

Jedi : I’ll try

Master Jedi Yoda : No do, or do not, there is no try.

I’m doing.  There is no try.  You should therefore book me before I learn how to control your dick as a Jedi mind trick.  At that point I’ll have to do a whole new story on how I left being a Jedi to go to the dark side … cuz that power would be way way too much fun 🙂

jaa2  xx

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