
the game of “Thai Girls fucking Farangs over” vs. “Farangs Fucking Thai Girls over” , just two shades of the same color, I’m happy to be sitting high atop the coliseum wall looking down as the battle goes on.   As I hinted at before but being careful not to lay too many cards on the table, relationship wars are being fought in Social Media and a really good read if you guys got the time is to check out this blog story that will be quite eye opening for you if you didn’t already know about it :

Thai Girl Vigilante Facebook Groups Target Farang Men

trooperwarsSorry girls but that’s like playing a harp in front of a buffalo, except in this case the buffalo didn’t gore you with it’s horns, it impaled you with it’s cock leaving you to pick up your pussy parts and complain about it on Facebook afterwards.  The moral of the story is, if you don’t want free buffalo dick up your ass then don’t get in the cage in the first place.  To the more knowledgeable these Facebook groups serve one important purpose, they let guys hang themselves by their own non-too-clever little balls as they are unaware that their butterfly lifestyle is being well shared and documented behind closed groups.

But to say that these girls are fighting back is like going back in time to give Custer a slingshot and say “ok NOW do the Little Bighorn fight over again.”  No, not gonna work because in the end organized turkeys are still just turkeys, and come Thanksgiving, or the other 364 days of the year for that matter they’re gonna get stuffed anyway.

The truth is that there is an imbalance in every comparison be it intellect, worldly knowledge, street smarts, education, or wealth between you and us.   Where there is an imbalance so great the weak always become prey .  Until that is, we are taught how to properly fight back except arming oneself with Facebook isn’t the answer, it’s the wrong tool for the job.  Hey, I’m not saying these girls can’t protect themselves from time to time against a wolf or two, I’m just saying that’s like me fighting you with an unloaded gun, walking up to you while you hold a knife and knocking you out pistol whipping you.  I might call it a victory but if you saw me win like that you’d probably tell me I was lucky as fuck and that next time I’d be better off putting bullets in the gun first.


Ah but where do we get bullets from having been locked up in a hen house all our lives?  The answer lays in where the battle is fought.  I’ve chosen the path of least resistance and rather than arming myself with sticks and stones vs. a man’s machine gun I’ve instead chosen to exploit the weakness in men.

See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.

See rather than attack the castle while you’re hunkered down inside, i’d do better to hit you over the head with a rock when you come out to check the mail in the morning.  The turtle’s head will always emerge from the shell, you can count on it just as you can count on Ra canoeing the sun across the sky tomorrow.  But whereas I can’t stop the sun from rising and setting I can control how much effect a guy’s cock has on me by simply realizing it’s the cock that chases the pussy.  The problem with the girls in the vigilante Facebook group is that they all open their legs faster than the Google home page.

“I’ll just find someone else to fuck” I’ve been told the occasional time I’ve ended conversation with one of these guys and ok that’s fine as long as it’s not me.  That’s an important point, and it’s one that takes a very long time for a turkey to understand.  When telling my friend Mistress Wael not to be the least bit concerned as one by one her parasitic men stopped messaging her I could see she was near tears every day.  In her mind, with each man that disappeared so did a sliver of hope that her life would get better when in actuality her life was improving.  Rather than targeting Farang men she was suddenly targeting herself and fixing the root of the problem, that is to have the proper way to think in place first.

She’s learned how to speak properly, and by that I don’t mean how proper her English is, grammar has nothing to do with power.  I told her whenever she needs to get the point across to the guy to simply type and see how much that simple url drastically changes the direction of the conversation.


Mistress Wael sms

Mistress Wael sms


Now THAT is like giving General Custer Green Lantern’s ring, The Force, and a light saber as well … and then saying “go cook some fucking indians.”

Except I doubt Custer would post photos of the massacre in any vigilante Facebook group afterwards.  😛


jaa2 xx



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