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When it comes to effective edging , the eyes have it. I’m edging you ,  and  you’ve been  on the brink of eruption for  minutes, or was it  hours?  You truly don’t  remember and you know  why? Because  your  cock and  my hand stroking it have for  the  longest  time  become something secondary , like  the  crashing  waves of  an ocean obscurred by a dense fog. Instead,  your focus is my eyes.     I want  you  to feel as if I have inside me a soul that is just too big for me.    It’s filled me to the brim until  there was no more space , so its flowing through  my eyes  instead. That might be too much  …

24//7 slave bangkok bdsm goddess jaa jaa4u

Here’s my pipe dream  … There are  guys out  there who  long  to become  something  different  ,  an  object  of  pleasure for  their  Mistress  ,  and  its  these men that I  seek  out  the  most  often. You  know  that  wedding  saying  “something   old,  something  new,  something  borrowed  and  something  blue.” There’s  a  version  of  that  which  submissive  men can relate  to and  it  goes … “something cruel , something fun , something sexy  , other  than  cum.” Meaning,  there are men , and these men  are  the  ones I’m strangely  the  most  attracted to  ,  who put  the  lowest  priority on cumming  ,  and  the  highest  priority on not  just pleasing their Mistress but seeing  how far  down the rabbit …

cum eater

Letting a cum eater eat his cum?  I say no way. Because guys who wish to be fed their cum have the wrong mindset. Case in point this request in my OnlyFans chat  …   “What if you did a session, and make him cum many many times. Buttttttt ruin every one of them… each time you ruin it, ruin it into a glass or a plate… save them all… and then at the very end. Make him eat all of it.”   To which I would say … if  there’s an orgasm, it ain’t Denial. Might as well call  what  we do Tease & Obligatory Orgasm.     Now,  I’m  a professional Mistress and as  such , I need …


You said you wanted to know how to be a  24/7 bdsm slave | FemDom slave. Do you really want to be my pet? You see what  I’m sayin’? What are you prepared to do?  Everything you can , naturally. And  then what are  you  prepared to do? If you open your fantasy to reality on this fetish my slave you must be prepared to go all the way.     I’m  so tempted  to keep quoting The Untouchables from there.   Aw fuck it :   “She pulls a dildo  ,  you pull an ass plug.   She brings a chastity, you bring a vagina stretcher , that’s the Bangkok way.” But let’s  not  digress ,  the question  remains:  “and then what …

Let me tell  you why  my  level  3 is the best  way to train a  toilet  boy once he  learned  already to  be  ok with the smell of my poo. The full video showing how I  feed is on our OnlyFans blog.   Or you can gift me an Amazon Gift Card in whatever amount you like and I’ll send you the link.  Our  OnlyFans though is only $20 and we have 120  videos ,  500  photos,  posting every 3  hours 24/7.   If you  can’t use a  credit card though,  then Amazon Gift Card is  the  way to get your hands on the video to  follow along. First, let’s review.  I wrote about Human Toilet Training and explained it before. Level …


The dichotomy of Face Sitting is that it  can  be  done in two  wholly  different  ways and be equally enjoyable.    The trick is in discovering which method turns you on  the most. In Mistress Wael  and  I   you  have two polar opposite ways in  which  we  present FaceSitting as the fetish we’re to tease you with in a  FemDom session. I was just  discussing on my OnlyFans blog with which mistress this submissive follower he  should book  his session and he was surprised at just how differently I had described each of  our last  sessions,  so let  me do  that  for  you guys too.     Mistress Wael’s Style Mistress Wael is 59kg whilst even when soaking wet I …


I was watching the ending of Requiem for a Dream – the “ass to ass” scene: From a girl’s perspective,  it should be one of the most dreadful scenes to  watch ,  but I’ve always been turned on by that last 5 minute sequence. In fact,  it’d be hard to get  and  stay  wet  because all   the other cutscenes from  other drug  abusers endings were  definitely disturbing, So I’d be rewinding it on YouTube with  one  hand controlling the remote by playing it  over  and over while my other hand was  down my pants scratching pussy.     And you see how they cut the nightmare endings of different abusers lives together , well my mind started putting together scenes …


We’re  (Wael and I)  shooting  every third day  for our  onlyfans blog  –  which is  doing  amazing  by the way, more  on  that later.    As  per  usual, Wael  shows  up at about  2pm  and  goes  for  a swim  while  I  put on my best  makeup  and dig up three or four  sizzling  hot  outfits for the photos and videos  we’re  about to shoot. Now I don’t  ever do nudes  ,  but I  had a few requests for some ‘ungodly hot’ photos that I was  going  to  send  privately and therefore to add  that  extra  level  of  “holy  shit”  to  my  photos I  decided  to  go  black partially seet through dinner dress without bra or panties.   But by the time …


Dick Rating Service | The Rules I’m offering a Dick Rating Service this week on my   blog this week ,  just for shits ‘n giggles. What pray tell  is a dick rating service you may ask? In my Dick Rating Service  …  I’m going to rate your dick on a scale of 1-10 in 5 different categories, with a maximum possible score of 51.  The Dick Rating Service winner will be announced not this Sunday but the next one … over on my onlyfans blog via a mention in next Sunday’s blog post here. Men are impressed by their sword , so  much so  that I  think most would consider it  a work  of art  ,  worthy  of  a  …

foot-worship jaa4u bdsm femdom

I’m at ‘Jaa’s’ condo … at the pool.   I just ran 1 hour and did squats with a LifeFitness bag. I  am thinking it would be wonderful to have a submissive boy here to smell and lick these sweaty feet. And hold my towel. And get me water. Then put coconut oil on my toes and suck it off  …  then put more on again. If nobody was looking I  would  make you bend over so I can put  my oily toe in your ass. Then make you smell my  toe  and lick it clean. I would do  that  to  you about 10 times again  and again.     Beside this pool is nice soft green grass.   How lovely to …
