200 kilograms of volumous, disgusting life-destroying fat … think about it, that is the same weight of two large men. For 5 men, I’ve been the inspiration in their lives to collectively shed 200 kg of mass that had prevented them from being the man they were meant to be. Now not all of my sessions have been winners this year, there have been some stinkers for sure and even some sessions that I ended just as soon as they began, so they haven’t all been perfect. But I’m thrilled that in every instance where the person seeing me has been obese I can say that without a doubt I’ve touched each of those guys lives in a way that …
It is strange to be known so universally, and yet to be so lonely. Silent night, holy night … well for me – silent for sure as I sit here listening to the only sound in my condo, a rhythmic dropping of water from the kitchen sink to keep me company. There is no other time of year that slaps me across the face harder, reminding me every second of this torturous two week holiday break just how lonely the lifestyle of a mistress is. Actually I misspoke. “How lonely the lifestyle of this mistress is” I should say as I speak only for myself and not anyone else to be certain. There are no friends houses for me to …
“What the fuck is she doing?” I could see that expression written all over Dieter’s eyes which – when compounded by the fact that my eyes had the exact same expression showed in unison that there was something very wrong going on in the session he had booked with me and the original Mistress Jaa. That was December 8th of last year, and after a turbulent week thereafter, Mistress Jaa officially finally succumbed to the pressure that 5 years of being Head Mistress for jaa4u.com had brought on and did the right thing by stepping down. I don’t say it was the right thing because it benefited me. Taking over for her was more of an act of taking the …
Since I’ve been busier than a cat trying to cover shit on cement the only fun I’ve had in my life recently has come from replying to my email. For the most part, sharing my photo gallery privately instead of publicly has really improved the quality of the email inquiries I’ve received and I’ve really enjoyed having some extremely long email threads with guys exploring in great depth both their fantasies and life in general and it’s made for some very personal and intimate sessions which I’ll get to writing about this week. Intimate as in, there is so much information that has been shared before the session that it feels often like I’m seeing a person I’ve known for years …
So you want to be castrated? No, here’s a far better idea – one that is guaranteed to not only immortalize you in social media until the end of time but will simultaneously make your 1 inch dick the least looked at part of your body even as your video becomes the most watched in the internet’s history. That’s what you want right? You’d do anything to divert attention from your pathetic little worm of a dick, so much so that cooing about the size of your wallet hasn’t led to any satisfaction and you’d rather just be rid of the little worm. Relax, we’re gonna fix that right now. By far, the most confounding part of being a …
t………[email protected] Nov 16 (1 day ago) to me sry hon its just for this amount 7,000 baht i buy myself a golden horse and let it shit silver bricks until sunset .) Of course then I send him my photo gallery. Suddenly he immediately tries to book me and instead of his golden horse he budgets for a rubber rat that doesn’t shit anything. Still though, he’s a bit short on cash … dear mistress – goddess who is this on the pics you miss ? you would do that tease session with me omg i am dying – you are so beautiful……….. would you do that session for the estimated price 4000 bat teries pleeaaaassee say yes i short of a …
Emo was a lower class woman from the poverty stricken village living on an income that made her ration the spoons of rice she could feed herself with each day. That being said, she was happy with her lot in life, and after crunching down on a handful of fried crickets she and her mom had dug up by hand a few hours earlier she lit a candle and read herself to sleep under the sloped tin roof of her open air shack. “Have you seen the numbers child?” her mom said nudging on her shoulder as the first embers of sunlight flickered through the midnight blue sky. The lump in Emo’s throat thumped hard as it dropped suddenly to the lower …
A most unclean thought not only invades my dreams every night now but it permeates the furthest corners of my mind the way a storm would displace sunshine. I don’t like to hurt anybody or anything and I’m the type of girl who would sidestep an ant and as recently as last week I took thirty minutes to help a moth escape from my bathroom to my balcony so it could live on. I love life and I believe all life is sacred and probably the very reason I do this job if we get right down to it is to help people feel better, I’m like a therapist and a quick search for that word in my gmail reveals …
I am fucking gutted….. My boyfriend has decided to split up with me. He think’s that our age gap is too big, what, with me being 25 yo and he being 19. I wish he told me that 10 years ago…… It’s interesting that this joke is worth a chuckle when written as-is , but if I flip it and rewrite it as such … “He think’s that our age gap is too big, what, with me being 19 and he being 48” then the comedy of the situation is replaced with a creepy pedophilia type of overtone. Yet that’s the case in a majority of all Thai – Foreigner relationships. Suddenly there’s no comedy or creepiness, it’s simply “ok” to which I ask …
The reason you’re gaining weight is because I’m losing it. Law of Conservation of Matter, it’s gotta go somewhere. I’m reminded of back when I was, like, 16 and had moved out of the slum village for over a year and discovered KFC enough times that I had grown a cute tummy. But when I started losing a bunch of weight, my Gay friend who is still my best shopping partner, legitimately got mad at me because that’s how he thought the Law of Conservation of Matter really worked and he was afraid that since we did everything together, he’d end up “absorbing” some of the weight I was losing. Anyways, I lost about 1/8 of my body weight in the following 6 months …