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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Blog'
t-1000 spy app

Sorry for not posting  for a while,  given where I live though, I must be careful about what I say as free speech is something of a misnomer here in times of duress. No doubt, as like you, I’ve had a few  hundred  thoughts pass through my mind , all of which  are worthy of prose.   However if I did use  this platform to write  about just my thoughts in the  absense of bdsm sessions it  wouldn’t have the FemDom / Mistress’s thoughts balance that Jaa and I  have maintained  over the past decade. But I’m getting an uptick in  the  number of “what’s it like over there, things changing?” kinds of  emails , so let me just brief you …


So I did my first session today since we halted things 8 weeks ago.  I’m gonna shoot from the hip here and type  off the top of my head about how it went and the subtle  changes I (we) have had  to make – and the reasoning behind said decisions. The session itself was fine, great even.  It was like seeing a long lost friend one hadn’t seen in years and years, wherein reality it was only our second ever meeting. And oh ya, that ‘long lost friend’ – he of 53 years old – had a raging boner like when he was 23 years old. Oh and not only that, but if you remember back to perhaps your first …

Leg Lockdown Jiu Jitsu Tease & Denial Femdom

Leg Lockdown. I wanted to talk about my #1 trick for human toilet training today.   But the only slave who will do the photo and video of my technique is in Phuket so I have to wait. Ok so.   Let me to talk to you about a Jiu Jitsu move I use in my Tease & Denial sessions. First let me show you what it is.    And then why I use it.   And finally how I use it.   Leg Lockdown for Tease & Denial My favourite classes in Jiu Jitsu – the classes they teach a move and I think “yes I  can use that in my sessions!” Leg Triangles I use for our play wrestling. Feet on …


The Terminator vs The World ” The Terminator vs The World ” in Theaters June 1st. Sort of, you’ll see what I mean in a bit. See, today is May 1st , and since I believe my country will begin to open things back up on June 1st , I’m focusing on how I might consider resuming sessions since that reality is only about 30 days away. I gotta admit , if Covid was a poker game, and June 1st was the day countries went ‘all in’ and had to show their hands … I’d have thought the chances of my country laying down a royal flush to be slim and none  – had you asked me back in March. …

Mistress Jaa's new condo

Nothing overly hot in this story, it’s just an update on what’s happening in the lives of  your Mistress’s and some corresponding thoughts as we near the end of April. At the end of March when this all began in earnest my lease was ending but I was able to negotiate a month’s extension , which is ending Thursday. So rather than write every day as I had intended to , I went on a house & condo search , trying to find the ‘next best place to live’ and had to make some tough decisions on the future of this business’s location as I did so. As I see it, I had three options available to me. a) Stick …

PussySlave Shhh

I was trying to  read, but the damn thing kept looking  at me out of  the corner of it’s eye.  I  can tell when I’m being eyeballed  –  call  it  a  Mistress’s sixth sense. No  matter  how much of  my  body – dressed head  to toe in stockings and Domina attire – I partook  to  cover  up ,  still I  was being incessently eyeballed. “Alright” I  said,  slamming my “Pandemics for Dummies” book on the sofa and watched  it  bounce twice  like a  rock  skipping  across a  lake  before  landing upside  down  and open faced  on  the linoleum  floor. I struted toward it , pushing my cleavage –  which was aching to  burst from within the tight latex top it  …


I cannot believe this week. And I think I will never forget about it –  ever. I had every emotion.   Scared.  Cry.  Fear.  Angry.  –   and that was only on Monday.   Scare because i feel like I give up.  Covid is too much.  I cannot support  everybody.  And when I dream every night I dream about death.  I am a  happy girl I never dream about something like that. I cry after my dad call me and yell at me again – because I snap and yell back to him. Deep inside my heart I  understand him.  I understand why he feel mad. He has one leg only.   Had accident when I was in Grade 7.  Construction accident on …

Foot Licking Bitch clean Creamy Toes

My foot licking bitch –  is that the job you’re applying for? Fine. Just know that my foot licking bitch must lick my  feet once each day for  a minimum of one hour. God help you if your pathetic cock springs to life as you lick. Henceforth, your caged  cock will keep you suffering all  the time. Your locked dick shows  you  how inferior and  controlled you are and just how easy it is  to make a foot  licking bitch so hard. Your worthless dick feels so squeezed, so frustrated, doesn’t it?     How about you get your nose right  up to the smelliest part  of my foot and begin apologizing  for letting your cock get hard. It did …

foot-worship bdsm femdom bangkok mistress jaa

For years I’ve been playing this mental game with a few hand picked submissive guys who’d been coming to worship me often. I’d let them dry off from their shower in my living room , giving their mind a few more moments to race in circles with thoughts before I’d sexily walk out from my bedroom completely naked except for a pair of cute white cotton socks , the kind the come with a pom-pom on the heel. Leaning back against the wall furthest from them I’d slide down ever so slowly until I was seated on the floor with my feet crossed over top of one another. With one hand I’d reach forward and slowly remove my  socks while …


Post Orgasm Techniques.  To learn from myself I watched all my videos yesterday.   Took all day. And I was mad at myself. “Why in my videos I don’t focus on my post orgasm techniques and instead I just stop filming?” Not  good.   I  have to fix that. Because I focus so much on post-orgasm techniques in every session I do … not only the Tease & Denial sessions. I have so many things I do. So let  me explain to you first – why post-orgasm part of the session is SO important.  And after …  I will explain some of the techniques I use to help  you understand. “Some” not “all” my techniques.  If I write for 1 week I …
