Femdom Blog

Making Men Cry

Today i will write a story on making men cry — lol it sounds like interesting topic what do you think?  — yaa i think so because i am a little bit of a professional when talking about this.

Alright, honestly i never learned how to make men cry, nobody taught me i just started early because the first man who cried for me was my father, and then all my ex boyfriends.  Why?

Because i left them all — and they were all good men.  But they loved me too much and were all jealous men.

You see, i really love my independent life and if you’re going to be my boyfriend you have to accept certain things about me because i am attractive and i have expectation from who i date.   Like when you go out with me you have to know that another men will look at me or try to get my number.  Most men cannot accept that.  Then, you have to disappear when i get mad or have a bad mood.  Jaa wrote about that yesterday.  Just go away from me because if not you will make everything worse for yourself.

You have to take care of me as a boyfriends responsibility to take care of his girl because if not another man will do your responsibility for you.  Can i give you an example please?  I like to go often for a massage — i run a lot so i need somebody to make me feel relax after i run sometimes.  The place i go has a cute girl working there — she is the only one cute like that and everybody comes to book her only.  Every man wants to take her out — wants to have a chance to be her boyfriend.  Most of the men who i see come to book her are handsome — not my style but i saw 3 not bad and sure i didn’t see every man who likes her yet.

mistress fon feetAfter my massage yesterday the shop is almost closing and she sits with an old Japanese man waiting to leave together.  So i ask you why did she not go with the handsome young man and go with the old Japanese man?  Because the Japanese man is smart he knows how to play this game in Thailand.  Like i told you to do — he took care of the boyfriend responsibility before he is even her boyfriend — he gave her 60,000 baht and she chose him.  We are good looking girls we can find a dick anywhere any day any time but it is harder to find money — especially here — get it?

And like i said — maybe you don’t agree with your responsibility — ok fine then play the game in your country because you know the rules there.  But if you play the game here — pay or somebody else will.

So then maybe you have a date with me.

If you are with me — for one date — or many — don’t even try to lie to me because i’m good at finding liars — it is my favorite game.

But the most important thing is don’t try to put me in your cage.  I hate it and i promise you if you do that i will bite the cage open and escape to a jungle and never come back to you again.

Does it sound too difficult to do all that i want?  Noooo

But most of my men can’t do that and thats why i have to leave them — just when they love me the most — and i see all the men in my life cry again and again.

“It’s easy to make men laugh but it’s hard to make them cry” — somebody said that one time.  If you as me i totally don’t agree because I can make them cry easier than i can make them laugh hahaha.

But maybe what is happening is they are making themselves cry.




If you need more help with the rules for how to keep a girl when you have her — right now go read my story Let it Go from yesterday.






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