Hi it’s Mistress Wael.
I’ve been looking every day for a new ladyboy to join us.
With so many sessions on the calendar and requests for forced-bi going crazy again it’s important we find someone new and sexy …. until Ladyboy Arita comes back in April.
From talking to so many of them I learned this week why I get so many repeat bookings.
I willingly do what they don’t want to do at all … which is making sure all slaves who come to see me are 120% happy with everything.
Let me explain the difference I found between me and them.
Ladyboy’s think like this : Do as little as they can to book you. Make you cum as fast as they can and get out. It’s all about money , money , money.

Before the session I am like Mistress Jaa now … because my English has improved I now do all my emails and sms messages by myself. I talk to all my clients endlessly every day. And I love it.
Most Mistresses that I follow on Twitter and other sites want $$ to be able to talk to them. And I think that is the dumbest thing ever.
How will they ever know what the client wants if they don’t talk to them? I don’t mean talk to them one time. I mean talk to them about everything.
Their fantasies. Their experiences. Their favorite fetish videos.
In booking a session one thing is more important than anything else : everything should be about them and what they want.
I say that why? Because every ladyboy started by telling me what they want … even before I told them I am not a man and that I am a Mistress.
“I don’t do this” , “I don’t do that” , “I don’t stay long” , “I don’t, I don’t , I don’t”
Holy shit. Now I get why they are stuck posting on Locanto for forever and ever.
From all the ladyboy’s I talked to only 3 talked to me more about my offer to them to join us. Do you know what every one said to me?
I don’t do 2 hours. They could not understand why we do 2 hour sessions.
I do … how ever long it takes.
What I mean is … I will stay and chat. I will go to dinner. I will take the client on a tour or show him places he doesn’t know about. I will show up early and leave late. No charge for kindness.
Showing you that some people like me have a good heart and enjoy conversation is what makes me happy now.
That is how I changed the most from about 1 year before the pandemic. So from about 2019 I really started to relax at my job. At being a Mistress.
Before that I was so nervous every session. Mistress Jaa had trained me. But I struggled with my English. I could do the teasing, the spanking , the humiliation just fine.
Oh but the talking. It was like my brain knew what to say. But I had cotton on my tongue. The words could never come out easy.
And now?
No problem.
I had a session yesterday. After it was over we went to dinner. I talked to him about trading crypto , about trading stocks , about sanctions , about oil prices , about the best restaurants in the city , about cannabis. About everything really.
Not perfect English. But good enough. Not as good as Mistress Jaa yet. But good enough.
The session before that I sat and listened to him talk about his divorce from his wife. We drank wine to his divorce haha. I got there to his hotel for the session at 9pm and left around 3am. It was a 2 hour session!
I think my clients enjoy my company.
Too many girls here can only talk about three things. “Where you go?” , “Where you come from” , “You want massage?”
Now I can talk about many things. I am improving. Every day. Getting more confident now every month. I think I went from being a good mistress to a great mistress.
I cannot imagine how hard it is to get a ladyboy to give her time for free. This is why we love Arita. When I found her she was so innocent and still is innocent. I have time to teach her all these things I know. In time.
The “I don’t do this, I don’t do that” messages bothered me too.
“I don’t receive I only give.” and “I don’t suck, I don’t swallow” and “I don’t do handjob.” Made me think “holy fuck , what do you do? Cum in his ass and go?
To do as little as possible and make money from that is a bad way to do business I think.
( Voom 5 !!!!! Inescapable Face Sitting & Toilet Training , available at my Yezzclips shop )
Want to know one secret way I survived through 2 years of covid? There are many secrets haha , but one secret is relevant to this story. <– new word for me , are you proud? :))
It started with one client. But I got so good at it that now I have 5 that I do the same thing for.
I think in time I can grow it to 10 or 15 clients who need what I do.
Know what it is? Hmm, what would I call it in English. How about … Vacation Guide & Sexual Fantasy Organizer !!
I arrange sexual fantasies. I also book the best hotels , take clients to the best secret restaurants, take them on tours to places most don’t go to and get my clients anything they need.
But the most important thing is : I make sure my clients cock is so fucking happy that it doesn’t ever want to go home.
One client wants 2 ladyboys spit roasting him while I spank them to fuck him harder. Every time he comes he asks for that. Before he lands it is already arranged.
The other one has many fantasies but his favorite one is to have a line up of girls bent over the bed with dirty asses and his job is to crawl on his knees to each one and clean them all one after the other.
Done. Pre arranged.
My third is more of a submissive slave , his fantasy is to go to a girls party and serve them any way they want.
That’s the hardest to do. I needed to get 10 girls and 2 ladyboys to act like they are having fun watching Netflix at a Air B&B condo I rented for one evening.
And I had to teach them how to not just sit there but how to use the slave as furniture, as a toilet, as a ball busting target … fucking hard because its easier to find 10 lazy girls than 10 who want to work for the money.
But I did it. He loved it.
I think I can do that fantasy better when I have a longer list of contacts I can call.
The slave from Spain always wants to eat pussy and have a girl fuck him at the same time. So I got 2 new girls to come every hour from 7pm to midnight.
As soon as he made both cum they would leave and two more would show up. Lucky for me nobody cancelled. It was perfect. 6 hours of eating pussy.
Only the last girl of the night … I allowed her to make him cum. He had to hold his orgasm for 6 hours.
Now these fantasies are very expensive.
But there are some clients who have a lot of money and don’t know how to arrange such a fantasy on their own.
Every man has a special secret fantasy. Some are lucky enough to find me and let me arrange it for them.
Some wait a lifetime hoping to stumble into their fantasy and never do.
Point is. Try to imagine how long it takes me to arrange fantasies like that. A lot of emails. A lot of text messages. A lot of teaching. A lot of planning.
Most when they come , I am with them 24/7 for 15k per day.
I should ask for 20,000 but I find when I do a very good job they tip more than I would ask for. Or they send me gifts or wire me money when I don’t expect it.
Anyways what I am trying to say is …. giving more and expecting nothing … I find is successful. Well for me so far it is.
And of course you know about the toilet training sessions I do that are 24/7 , they made me well known … for those who have fantasies about that.
I had the #1 store on Yezzclips for the last two years. But I want to let that go a little bit now. I want to focus on sessions. It’s more fun to meet face to face and make slaves lose their minds haha.
So. How did the search for a ladyboy go? Well I found one ( photo to the left ) that maybe I can trust to show up. I will see tomorrow afternoon when she is supposed to show up for our first forced – bi session together.
I hope she is good. I take forced bi seriously.
See just like I never agreed with all scat videos I saw … with all the wasted poo and men not being good toilets at all. I fixed that. I made them forcibly eat everything. I changed the way slaves are expected to perform as toilets.
Same with forced bi.
I haven’t seen too many videos of sessions where the slave is actually forced and not enjoying it. Forced means … against his will. Which means struggling. Gagging. Spitting up puddles of spit. Getting punished hard while sucking.
I put the “forced” into forced. If you know what I mean.
Just like I put the word “toilet” into human toilet slavery.
I will tell her what I want to do with the slave tomorrow. Which is what?
My foot on the back of the slave’s head pushing him all the way down to her balls and holding him there. If he tries to pull off himself he gets his balls kicked or his ass whipped hard.
Does the new ladyboy want to do that with me? Well we will see. Want to know what she looks like?
See I had 2 ladyboys that I found but I had to cut the gorgeous one ( blonde one to the right ) because she wanted 15,000 for her time.
Wow. I keep thinking how many men book her for 15,000 expecting 2 hours and get 20 minutes. Sad.
With me one session would have been 15,000 + 7,000 = 21, 000 !!!! Fuck right?
I asked Mistress Jaa to put a poll on Twitter to prove to myself that 21,000 was way too expensive haha. And ya, I am the only one who clicked “21k is ok” haha.
Well she was so hot. If she would just agree to 7k or 9k I could get her 20 bookings a month with me. Maybe 30. Easy. No problem.
But that is the problem. Nobody trusts me enough with my math. haha.
It’s true. When Arita was working with me before the pandemic we did 10 sessions a month. And she was new. Just started training her.
If I did sessions with a super model ladyboy …. now that we have 44,000 followers on Twitter … I could get 20 sessions a month with her easy.
But they don’t believe me. They want their 2-3 sessions only per month. Fine.
Sometimes I feel like I want to do business with Elon Musk …. but all the people around me are only as smart as Daffy Duck. ><
Ok I wrote long enough. You get what I am trying to say yes?
Basically … with everybody else you can book with you pay by the minute.
With me , you pay for however long it takes for you to be 200% happy you called me 🙂 ka.
Mistress Wael
Book A Session
Looking to book a session? Fill out the form or send one of us an email and in it be very descriptive about what you would like for a session, where you’re from, what your name is, and when you would like to meet.
If you decide to fill out the form, double check that you’ve typed in your email address properly cuz guess what? If you fuck that up, I can’t get back to you, end of story. It’s shocking how many guys can’t spell their own email address.
Mistress Wael is available from 1pm until 10pm every day, while I am available at either 7pm or 10pm Monday – Thursday and 4pm on Friday’s.
1 hour sessions are 5k baht while 2 hours are 7k.
Human Toilet Training with Mistress Wael is 15k and with me it’s 20k.
With Mistress Wael sessions are outcalls at your hotel, house or condo and with me they are held here at my condo.
Check out our Fees & Bookings page for all the information you need to know for booking your session with us.
Mistress Jaa : [email protected]
Mistress Wael : [email protected]