Dave just left my condo from our first date. He thought it was a date, in reality it was just an experiment of mine. Lately, these “mistress’s boyfriend for a day” sessions have been so amazing that I’ve started to wonder if the crazy suggestive techniques I use on my submissive harem of men would work equally well on a stranger who has no idea that I’m a Mistress – one talented in the art of Seduction. So I thought it would be interesting for you guys to peek into my mind and relive with me what just went down over the past five hours on my “date.” It’ll give you a glimpse I suppose at how my mind works, …
Dicks are delicious!! I wouldn’t know because I don’t suck them, but going by the sheer demand of guys looking for a forced bi session I’m guessing cock is a delicacy. Whether or not that’s true can be up for debate… but for now, let’s be real. There’s nothing forced at all about a forced bi session. So this notion in your mind that I somehow am going to drag you by your hair into my bedroom and lean your head over the edge of my bed while one of my harem of studs I have hiding in the closet is paraded out over top of you to have his dick slam deep into your throat while you kick and struggle …
I haven’t been hiding the fact I’ve been pretty damn lonely since returning back from Europe in January, to the point where I’ve found myself doing something I’ve never done as a mistress at any point in the last five years which is inviting somebody to stay longer. It wasn’t something I even planned to do , I just spontaneously blurted out after a rather nice session “if you liked it so much, why not stay and let me show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” I suppose I just wanted company, the lonely side of my brain would justify such a request as being such. But there’s been a growing devilish part of my personality that’s fully controlled …
While the story I’m working on is almost finished , right now I’m doing email and I thought I’d throw this quickie up because it qualifies under the “what the fuck were you thinking” category. I have no time for bullshit, there’s a dearth of true mistresses in the world and an over-abundance of submissive men, so keep that in mind when making a first impression worthy enough of a reply. Lest you get what this guy got from me … jaa4u.com | Goddess <mistress.pasaya@gmail.com> 8:03 PM (7 minutes ago) to dtiiresiias You really want me to take an email written by a guy who names himself Leather Wings with something more than an ounce of seriousness? I’d be more …
Who am I then? That’s the modern translation of “What dost thou know me for?” , from Act 2 Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s King Lear. It’s a question I’ve been asking myself for three consecutive days upon my return from Switzerland. Am I any of Kent’s reply to Oswald … KENT: You’re a lowlife, a rascal who eats leftover scraps. You’re an ignoble, arrogant, shallow, vulgar, pretentious, conceited, filthy third-rate servant who thinks he’s something special. You’re a cowardly lawyer-loving bastard; a vain, brown-nosing, prissy scoundrel who’d pimp himself out to advance his career; a bag lady. You’re nothing but a lowlife, a beggar, a coward, and a pimp, the son and heir of a mutt bitch. I’ll beat you …
Hi I am Mistress Wael. I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays and I hope the New Year makes you younger not older. … and if it doesn’t you can come and see me to help you feel young Well I am alone in Bangkok because she flew to Europe yesterday for a month. I watched porn all day today
No I did not scratch pussy. I am looking for videos very sexy for you to watch on my VR when you come for my Tease & Denial VR session. Tomorrow I am looking for a volunteer to let me tease you for a couple of hours so you can …
All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go. (well not really , I heard it’s cold in the Alps and this boudoir full of tight see through T Shirts might not be weather appropriate for that kind of climate , got some shopping to do the next few days.) I’m standing here , thinking of snow , (it better fucking snow in the month I’m over there. Knowing my luck it’ll be the warmest winter on record in central Europe) Already I’m so lonesome I could die. (actually , after 3 weeks of non stop sessions, I’m savoring every minute of this alone time.) So kiss me and smile for me (do it , I dare you to try …
Is it my job to prevent you from committing any one of financial , emotional , or relationship suicide? In my opinion it shouldn’t be , but it is. My job is to seduce you like you’ve never been seduced before and while that may be just a word “seduce” it comes with as much destructive power as an atom bomb in terms of its effects on somebody who’s sessioned with me. The after effects of a seduction are harmful if the person cannot contend with the wave of emotions encompassing the aftershock of such a session (try saying that five times fast). But I can’t scout for mental stability when we engage in discourse with all our pre-session emails …
Hello. It’s been a while since I’ve written about things going on in my life so I’m going to outline a few things that are going on as my Twitter posts are creating rabid speculation about what changes are in the wind. December is vacation month for Wael and I but we will be staggering our time off so that there will always be somebody her to do sessions. Basically , without going into much detail , before Christmas you can see either of us on most days , and just before Santa arrives you’ll be seeing Wael exclusively until mid January as I have some things I need to sort out in my life. With that in mind, I’m …
How My True Tease & Denial Statement Should Read See that’s what I should have on my front page. in a big red warning box like that. Instead, you can see I have written : “With me, you’ll use your safe word when you surpass the limit of your pleasure, not the limit of your pain. My style is far different than any other FemDom Mistress, for I prefer to control a man’s desires, dominate his mind, play with his emotions, and through seduction – coerce you to do things for me that you never thought you’d want to do.” Which suffices , because if I had the block quote there instead it would seem a little over …