Below is a sneak peek of this content! I finished setting up the tiers for my Patreon, so I’m almost ready to go live with this, I just need to learn how to split these posts so that a portion of this story any visitor to this blog can read, and then if this is anything like how Substack worked, there should be a line where I can put the remaining part of the post behind my $5 subscription tier on Patreon. So… This content is available exclusively to members of ChayaNit’s Patreon at “Footstool Apprentice” or higher tier, or having at least $1 pledged in total. Upgrade below to unlock this content.
I suppose the one big takeaway from all this is: no matter how anxious I feel, even if another breakdown seems imminent—don’t let it happen at an airport. In Bangkok, at the boarding gate, the airline stewardesses suggested I sit down and relax because I was sweating profusely and hyperventilating. When I refused and said I had to get home, I tried to keep walking toward the boarding ramp. That’s when they called security. I was restrained and prevented from boarding. In Chiang Rai, after I was released from the hospital back in December 2023, I tried to sneak out of my dad’s home to fly back to my condo in Bangkok. But he had this piece of paper saying …
edit: Patreon is Live, I just got the blog approved at 6:37am after a 12 hour wait. This story’s link is here (i’m doing this on the fly so it’s not very polished yet) It’s 4am and while I should be working on designing content with AI as this is my time of the night to do so – I’ve been spending the past 2 hours learning about AI instead. In particular – The Industry Reacts to DeepSeek R1 – “Beginning of a New Era” a youtube video by Matthew Berman 382K subscribers (Patreon isn’t linked to just this moment so I couldn’t link a simple youtube video like I just did using WordPress as I …
On Punishment!: The Whip Is Truly Mightier Than the Sword! For over a decade, jaa4u has been where you come for unfiltered femdom stories—no holds barred. But today’s post is different. First though, have you read my blog post about part one of On Punishment? It’s the next part of Chapter One: On Punishment!, of my first book, now unfolding on Substack. And believe me, this isn’t just another blog post. What happened when I first swung my whip in a session? Chaos. Blood. An irate slave tied to a shattered table. And then? An epiphany, one that clearly defined for me the power I can wield as a Mistress. This story isn’t just about pain or punishment. It’s about what …
Extreme Femdom dictates that normally, I don’t ever sit facing the slave’s head during extreme pussy worship or extreme shit feeding; I always sit facing the slave’s balls. Today, I’m facing this way because, let’s face it, men like to see a face get attacked with a pussy. To begin a teasing or toilet session, I always (since 2024) lay out three tools on the desk for the slave to see: a small branding iron sitting on top of my equally small electric oven, a taser, and the tiniest opaque bottle you’ve ever seen—the inside contains Resiniferatoxin, or what I tell my slaves is “hell unleashed on your balls.” From that point, I matter-of-factly lay out the …
How many songs do I need before I have an official Femdom Album? A quick AI search says I need at least 8, well I just finished my 2nd and loaded it to my YouTube channel. Now I ask you, seriously … how many other Mistresses in the world are producing bdsm songs? Let me answer that for you … exactly none. If you enjoyed listening to it – I as your Mistress am commanding you to a) Subscribe to my channel and then b) click like on the video followed by c) leaving a witty comment – it MUST be witty as I want to see your humorous side come through and then d) click on that bell so …
“Mostly Dead: The Ultimate Servitude—A Journey to Your Limit” You’re here because you’ve been dreaming of this. You might not admit it to anyone, not even to yourself, but deep down, you’ve been craving it. The real thing—the deepest, most transformative experience of servitude you can possibly imagine. And I’m the one offering it. You know this. You’ve been drawn to my words, my stories, my power, like a moth to a flame. That’s not by accident. It’s no mistake you’re here reading this right now. You need this, and whether or not you admit it, you’re already on the edge. So let’s talk about what happens when you go all-in. When you’re not just dipping your toes into the …
“Heh, ‘How to book me for Femdom Sessions’ is a bit of a cheeky blog title, isn’t it? Considering that in 2024, I can confidently say I was the hardest Mistress to book on the planet—and most of you have no idea why. Well, that’s about to change. In this post, I’ll reveal exactly how you can secure a session with me in 2025, and I’ll pull back the curtain on what made booking me this year such a rare accomplishment. By the end, you’ll be sipping your coffee, nodding, and murmuring, “Ahhh, now I see why.” I’m Almost Exclusively Doing Sessions in Chiang Rai in 2025 – Here’s Why … For the past decade—and truly, if we trace …
The Double Down Session, by Mistress Wael stuck ˈstə-k : the feeling evoked by the good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires, like being stuck between the asses of two Dominas. ^ One of my favorite movie lines – one that influenced me a lot were three words uttered by Robin Williams in the film Good Morning Vietnam where he simply said “fine, let’s edit.” So, here’s my question for you… What word do you think I borrowed the definition of, transforming it to fit this altered version of “stuck,” perfectly in sync with this enticing ass worship photo? I realized that the only way to make the femdom art that floats around in my brain …
Hey, it’s Head Mistress Wael, and now that I’m back doing sessions again that’s how you will address me, or as Madame. I’m not a Goddess, never have been so don’t address me as such. Okay, now that I’ve stuffed all those keywords into the first sentence let me talk like myself from here on in. *Exhales deeply. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Look, this is going to be quite a long blog post so let me summarize all these points from my notes I have in front of me – in case you just want the tl:dr of the things I’m about to spew into my phone and have it pop out as a blog post the …