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Specific Stories About: 'Femdom Blog'
Dum spiro spero

“Aren’t you going to give me a shot to knock me out before you cut me open? “No.  Don’t need.” (2 minutes later) “need.  need.”   (repeat times 12) “It’s ok.  19 more to go.” the doctor says with the wry humour of a dead puppy. My eyes roll back as he makes the next incision and the knife introduces me to pain like a shot of Tabasco sauce to the back of the throat. I gasp, a little, and then make the mistake of looking down toward my pelvis to see my skin sliced open an inch deep. And then, darkness, black like the night.  Only to wake up , perhaps a moment later, perhaps longer (?) with vision blurred …

Survival is a 4 Letter Word | FukU

One of the consequences of being born very premature is having to battle a lifetime of medical ailments , but a second and more cerebral ailment is living with the constant feeling that the world never intended for us to stick around , which are feelings both Wael and I share. As I posted on Twitter today, once again I’m going under the knife come September 1st and I’ve told my surgeon that I want all of these maladies removed in a single session , to which he remarked that I’d be in quite some discomfort for the first 10 days following the procedure. Thus, I’m not doing sessions until let’s say about the 12th of September, so keep that …

cbt bondage femdom bdsm jaa4u bangkok

“Cock and Ball Torture (CBT) sessions should be a fun lighthearted two hour poke at something that sounds much more menacing that it actually is.” There, I said it. Would you believe that the funniest sessions I host at my condo are ones where beginners are dipping their toe bravely into CBT. Now I realize that the BDSM purists out there would either cringe or revolt at the usage of the word Funny in the same sentence as CBT but I’m not exactly your cookie cutter molded Mistress am I now? Catering mostly to the newbie crowd pretty much ensures all my sessions come with a good amount of chuckles and laughs , and I’m fine with being known as …

christ redeemer rio femdom bdsm

This naturally beautiful girl I met while hiking in Sri Lanka had these gorgeous eyes that held in a single instant both sadness and hope. I saw in her eyes those of my own when I was her age , where there seemed to be no hope of a better life and yet – I knew if I was a bit entrepreneurial in my ways that it might be possible to find an escape. So I gave her quite a handsome tip and a kiss on the cheek , told her to keep the flowers to sell to somebody else and it seemed like for a brief moment we connected as we looked in silence into each others eyes. I …

Planes, Buses, & Consciousness

I boarded the plane for the flight home from Sri Lanka in a surly mood , one which dove a few levels deeper when truly – the second coming of John Candy from his Planes, Trains and Automobiles movie checked his ticket twice and confirmed with a smug smile that the aisle seat beside me was indeed his for the next few hours. My forehead pressed even tighter against the window as I looked out it in such a forlorn way , unamused by the luggage handlers throwing bags onto the plane’s cargo area down below like they were hurling dead body bags into a grave. ‘Fuck my life’ I thought I said in my mind but apparently not. “Why?” …

Mistress’s Many Masks

Well I’m off to Sri Lanka in a few hours , which is more of a therapeutic trip than you can imagine. This interesting email came in just yesterday after I finished my last session before my trip and the guy had commented on his 3rd session with me saying: “I”m blown away by how in each session you’ve been three different mistresses , each wholly different than the previous. You were at first scary and violent , then soft, seductive and alluring in our second , while yesterday was so frustrating how you played with my mind blurring the line of whether you were in love with me or that I was just a toy for your amusement. How …

Dog Days of Summer Post

I teased him. He screamed. I teased him some more. He begged. The teasing continued. He cried. Within the tease I came ever so close to making him think I was going to kiss him. So much so that he could smell the cherry of my glistening lipstick a micro chasm away from his own lips. He whimpered. I let go of his manliness and let my fingers wander his body excitedly the way one would point their way around a newly found treasure map. And so on, and so on. I mean, perhaps there’s one or two of you that find such writing intoxicating and pleasureful to read , but I’ve always subscribed to the theory that a writer’s …


Hey. Working out a little bug in my WordPress post. It’s causing my typing to force short sentences before a hard carriage return. “Please increase max_input_vars to greater than 1000 in php.ini file.” That’s the error message.  We’re working on it. Anyways, it’s August, my vacation month.  I’m off from the 14th to the 16th. And then again from the 26th to September 6th.  Changed my trip destination to Sri Lanka from Tanzania.  There’s that carriage return I was talking about >< I’ve been doing modifications on Tease & Denial sessions, once I hit one out of the park I’ll write about it.  Right now I’m still tweaking the way the teasing gets done in those sessions.  Hint: if you …

montreal canadiens bdsm femdom

“I’ll do anything you want” is a dangerous thing to say to me. Most guys just throw that line out there as if it has zero consequences, for instance, after my last story – and with follow up proof that the black and white photo is indeed my pussy – I’ve had emails well into the double digits proclaiming “i’d do anything to kiss that pussy.”  Not thinking for even a split second what possibilities a phrase like that stirs up in my imagination. If you remember only one thing about me, remember this : I love using men , I love putting men in precarious positions that leaves them exposed and vulnerable. So while “i’ll do anything to kiss …


Two more of my long time submissive playmates graduated up from ass worship to pussy worship this month , woe unto them. For my pussy is the holy grail of all Asian pussy’s. I have this theory , and I may be way off on my speculation but it’s an accumulation of evidence spanning from how guys react to my pussy , to exploring ex boyfriends search history of porn , and seeing what they jack off to while I’m feigning sleep but squinting at them from beneath the sheets. Guys love forbidden young pussy. It’s not the main reason why I laser my pussy bush , I just happen to love the feel and look of my pussy being …
