Femdom Blog


European Mistress.  umm … student.  European Student.  or how about European Mistress Student.  Whatever .. the writing is on the wall for both.

Too busy to write lately.  Sorry.

I have an agenda.  Timetable to get out of here and in my head all I hear is “tick tock , tick tock.”  Time slipping away.

Applications to two universities arrived.  American University in Paris and one in Berlin.  Which I will choose I don’t know yet.  I’m applying to start studying in Europe in the summer.  Part time at first to see if I can survive.  Then full time next September.

Meanwhile I am studying German like crazy every weekend here.

Sorry this looks rough.  My old teacher who edits my stories is busy because they are back in school down under.

Well you get to see how I write.  I put shit down that comes out of my mind.  Like this lol.

Do you guys have any opinion where I should go study?  Paris or Berlin or ??

I”m just so happy to have a plan to leave here.  I got asked that same question today.  So I put my reply on Twitter …


Fuck I hate it here.  Summer is how many months away?  7?  So I’m out of here in 7.  Good.  Thank fuck.

You know what made me make up my mind to really leave?  My “Mistress and the Tower”  photo I have been sharing privately.  You all said the same thing to me about that photo.  That it looks like I belong in that spot.  Like it is my destiny.  Ya I agree with you.

So many of you are asking if I think I will be as popular in Europe as a mistress as I am here.  Well duh.

Have you seen how ugly even the top 5 mistresses are in Europe?

Fact:  I will be the #1 European Mistress inside of one year.

Especially given how hot my ass is now that I am squatting heavy weights every day.  The price of success is hard work.  And I work my fucking ass off in the gym every afternoon.


I have 3 stories I sent off to my editor all this month.  I’ll post them after I get them back but might be a while still.  He is quite busy.

You know I’m the only one who sends him stuff.  He offered to help edit stuff for any student after we leave.  He says that to every class he teaches and he taught for 15 years … and I am the only one to keep submit things for him to edit.


I am ambitious.  It’s my one fault.

There was one other guy I met .. same place … down there in college … who was like me.  Who said he would do something … and would follow through.  Every time.  Flawlessly.  His name was Chris and we always clashed.  But we admired each other for our work ethic.  Strange huh?

That’s why … when I say that I’m putting every mistress in Europe on notice … i mean it.  You have 7 months.

At the end of those 7 months … you will all bend the knee.



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[formcrafts id=’20566′ name=’Session With Wael’ align=’left’][/formcrafts]
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