Femdom Blog

For Ass Worship, I clearly have the sexiest ass in Asia.  Hands down, done deal, end of story.  I simply own Ass Worship.

Or do I?

I pride myself on my ass, I know for a fact that if you ask 100 guys what part of my body drives them crazy, all 100 will answer back saying my ass.  My ass sets up all my femdom sessions because I know the lowly foot worshiper has aspirations of making the climb from the soles of my foot to where the air is a bit thinner up around my ass.  They all want to reach the summit of my ass and make camp for as long as they can not knowing that I just as much love sending down little avalanches to send them tumbling back to my feet again.  Ass Worship with me is a privilege not a right, and it’s earned over time.

Then I sat down this morning and opened my email to find this, this … this rejection.  My ass was being rejected.

ass worship vote

Not only was it being rejected, it was being rejected for Jaa’s ass, the original Jaa not me.  Fuck.  Her ass is fine, but you’re comparing Häagen-Dazs to Dairy Queen trying to put her ass up against mine, aren’t you?

Suddenly, a doubt entered my mind this morning.  Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the finest ass of them all?

“Famed is thy ass, Majesty. But hold, an older mistress I see. Retirement cannot hide her gentle grace. Alas, her humps are more fair than thee.”


Let’s put this to a vote.  Ass Worship supremacy on the line.

On the left, the former queen of Ass Worship, Mistress Jaa the 1st.  On the right, the present queen of Ass Worship , myself : Mistress Jaa the 2nd.  Do I hear any other Thai Mistress throwing her ass into the competition for consideration?


As I thought.  So consider your two candidates and place your vote as to whose ass you would want planted on your face for your next Ass Worship session.  You can click the corner to expand the photos to full size.  Once you’re done ogling, go and vote.


jaa close upjaa ass bed
soft assworshp-perfectionroad-to-my-ass



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